So to continue on my post on Mtvs..
This is one of the classics. The only other mtv that i can think of that can rival this is "Kiss" by some Korean singer.
So for the last couple of days I have been talking to dear alot. Yah. Its official, I am worried about the chinese ablities of our future generation.
Do you have classmates in sec school or jc who seem to be absolutly hopeless in their chinese classes. They usually will answer the chinese teacher's questions with a mis-pronnounced " lao shi wo bu zhi dao" ; literally translated as 'teacher, I do not know' Or you could even be one of them. Usually what happens is these people do not speak a single sentence of mandrin all their lives except during chinese class. They have friends that speak english when they hang out, parents that speak english at home, and nothing else.
Yah, I am officially worried about my children. ( tho it will be some time away of cos)
Then there is Li Chao. A real 'adorable darling' of NOC because of his good temper. He is a China Scholar from China, from the faculty of Electrical Engineering in Nus, here in Silicon Valley in the NUS Overseas College Programme. Taken from a photo off Mana's Blog, Lichao (extreme left) looks like the average cheena chinese scholar. But he is corrupted by the bunch of us. He knows all the singlish lingo, " you sux" and "shit you" are his fav lines.
And the point is. I was trying to speak mandrin with him, and I found out that he cannot answer me back in proper mandrin. ie. he will add english words to express himself.
So dear, you are not alone. =p
Oh. Today's Zhonghe's b'day. Zhonghe is a close friend of our household and he has PR status in my household here. Hopefully I will post some photos (after we strip him tonite) hehe.
This is one of the classics. The only other mtv that i can think of that can rival this is "Kiss" by some Korean singer.
So for the last couple of days I have been talking to dear alot. Yah. Its official, I am worried about the chinese ablities of our future generation.
Do you have classmates in sec school or jc who seem to be absolutly hopeless in their chinese classes. They usually will answer the chinese teacher's questions with a mis-pronnounced " lao shi wo bu zhi dao" ; literally translated as 'teacher, I do not know' Or you could even be one of them. Usually what happens is these people do not speak a single sentence of mandrin all their lives except during chinese class. They have friends that speak english when they hang out, parents that speak english at home, and nothing else.
Yah, I am officially worried about my children. ( tho it will be some time away of cos)

And the point is. I was trying to speak mandrin with him, and I found out that he cannot answer me back in proper mandrin. ie. he will add english words to express himself.
So dear, you are not alone. =p
Oh. Today's Zhonghe's b'day. Zhonghe is a close friend of our household and he has PR status in my household here. Hopefully I will post some photos (after we strip him tonite) hehe.