I booked my ticket out of singapore... yey! Today ray msged me in the morning to tell me a piece of bad news...
bad news is he is out of NOC.
He told me to go check my email cos they have already sent out the results.
My heart wasn't pumping. I wasn't overly excited... but i found out that i GOT IT!!!!
Must work hard for now cos they required a min. cap of 3.5 before departure or they will kick me out. That leaves me 2 semesters... now having a culmulative cap of 3.1... after doing the maths with ray, we concluded that it means scoring 2 semesters of 4.0 !!
3.1 + 3.1 + 4.0 + 4.0 = 14.2
14.2 / 4 = 3.55
think i'll just die.
Must convert myself to a "scholar mentality" liao...
Full time student now on.. part time hall resident.
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